Myths That Can Hurt Your Business

8 Business Plan Myths That Can Hurt Your Business

By Tim Berry
U.S. Small Business Administration
Updated: March 02, 2018

The need for good business planning is as strong as ever, and the potential benefits are as important as ever. Every business owner ought to have a business plan. But the best strategies for business planning are different than they used to be.

The need for good business planning is as strong as ever, and the potential benefits are as important as ever. Every business owner ought to have a business plan. But the best strategies for business planning are different than they used to be.

With that in mind, I’ve identified 8 pervasive myths that stand between you, the business owner, and the planning your business ought to have.

1. A business plan has to be long

Not necessarily so. A business plan can take whatever form is most useful, even if that’s just a few lists and tables.

2. A business plan is hard to make

It doesn’t have to be. List your key strategy points and key tactics, and a few important major milestones (like deadlines, tasks, the new launch or new website, and necessary hires). Include projected sales, costs, expenses, and cash flow. Voila! You have a business plan.

3. Nobody creates business plans anymore

Well-run businesses use business planning the right way. They keep a simple, lean plan up-to-date and refreshed. The review and revise it monthly. In straw polls I’ve taken for years at management workshops, the best 20% or 30% of the companies represented have a management process that includes a lean business plan as well as regular reviews and revisions.

Smart startups use basic business planning to help them see starting costs, projected early sales and spending, cash flow, and key strategy points and milestones before they launch. Then, they review these monthly.

4. Business plans are for only startups

True, well-run startups generally use business planning to help figure out which steps they need to take, and which resources they need. But that doesn’t mean mature businesses can’t use business planning to constantly set milestones, strategy reminders, and forecasts. Mature businesses keep a business plan up-to-date, and review and refresh it often. The more a business grows, the more it can benefit from good business planning.

5. You can’t plan because change comes too fast

In the real world, a good business plan manages change. It isn’t voided by change. You keep the plan current by making revisions as real events unfold.

It’s like dribbling in basketball: if you plan to go a certain direction, and the other team blocks you, then you go a different way. Having a plan means that you’ll have the information you need to make quicker, easier, and more natural revisions…[MORE]


To read the entire article by Tim Berry on the U.S. Small Business Administration website, visit: 8 Business Plan Myths That Can Hurt Your Business