What US unemployment benefits can I get during the coronavirus?
Federal and state governments are moving to pass relief packages, but some states may struggle to process a deluge of claims
By Mario Koran
March 20, 2020 | The Guardian
As a global health crisis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic careens toward an economic disaster, Americans facing financial hardship are flooding state unemployment departments.
By last week, the number of people filing for unemployment benefits had surged in an increase unseen since 2012. The downturn is already rippling across numerous industries – restaurants are closing their doors, newspapers are folding and the film and TV industry is grinding to a halt.
Economists see the job losses as the opening act to the country’s first recession in 11 years – a downturn that could hit hardest in California.
State and federal government are moving quickly to pass economic relief packages for those who have lost jobs or work-hours, but experts warn that states like California may struggle to keep pace and process a deluge of new unemployment claims at once…[More]
To learn everythIng you need to know about filing for unemployment and getting access to money as quick as possible, read the full article by Mario Koran @ The Guardian: What US unemployment benefits can I get during the coronavirus? Your payment options explained