3 Kinds of Jobs That Will Thrive as Automation Advances
3 Kinds of Jobs That Will Thrive as Automation Advances
By John Hagel III
August 21, 2018 | Harvard Business Review
There’s little doubt that this transition will be challenging — it will force us to question some of our most basic assumptions about work and business. For example, companies will need to shift from viewing employees as a cost to recognizing them as an asset capable of creating ever expanding value. They will need to challenge the prevailing efficiency mindset and embrace a mindset that focuses on accelerating learning to address the rapidly evolving needs of customers.
But the bottom line is that technology is unleashing market forces that can reward those who address these challenges and marginalize those who ignore them.
And, far from depriving us of work and squashing our humanity, technology can provide us with the opportunity to focus on work and activities that will help us to achieve more and more of our potential. What better service could technology provide?
To read the entire article by John Hagel III, Visit Harvard Business Review: 3 Kinds of Jobs That Will Thrive as Automation Advances